Get your online school APP in one minute
Nissi is an all-in-one online learning management solution.
Sign up for for a free, 30-day trial!
Start Free TrialSign up for for a free, 30-day trial!
Easily Accessible via Phone/Tablet/Mac
Your students will be able to access your learning centre via iOS or Android APP, as well as Tablet and Mac.
Powerful Statistics & Management Tools
We offer a variety of management features, such as financial stats, student records, homework feedback, and much more!
Encrypted Content to Ensure Safety
With the latest encryption technology, no third party can download or access your content.

Various Formats for Online Classes
Choose livestream video or audio for your course. Either way, your students can always go back and replay the recordings.
Share Course Materials
Need to send out reading materials or share a PPT to your students? Simply attach the materials, and we'll handle the storage and sharing.
Supporting Web/APP/H5
Students can either download the Nissi Learn APP or open our website to access the course. Anywhere, anytime.
Powerful Tools to Automate Your Courses
Course Sign up & Sign on
Having a headache collecting all the signup info manually? Need to keep a record of attendance? Nissi will automatically handle it for you.
Payments & Donation
Offer a fixed fee course or a free class with the option to collect offerings to help your school grow faster.
Homework, Exams, & Certificates
Enable your students to practice more via Homework & Exams. You can even automatically generate certificates for your excellent graduates!

Build Your Student Communities From Day One
Group Chat, QA, & Questionnaires
Provide secure channels for your students to communicate with one another.
Newsletters & Notifications
Send out notifications like class reminders, updates, and announcements. Let them know when you publish new courses!
Share via Social Networks
Spread the news via social networks! Nissi is integrated with Facebook, Twitter, Wechat and many more to come!
Easily Manage Everything In One Place
We know how much work it takes to organize a course behind the scene. That's why we've created Nissi to serve you.

- Manage schedules, content, and materials
- Generate course posters and QR codes
HW, Exams, & Degree
- Assign homework & exams
- Automate attendance & performance records
Student System
- Watch over students' performance & growth
- Establish a credit system for your school
Financial Statistics
- Analyze your income easily
- Understand conversion to help your school grow
With many more features to come...

“It's just incredible."
We've worked with NISSI team previously for our app. It's so convenient and elegant! Looking forward to the team launching NISSI Space!
Franklin Wang,
Head of ZBI
Head of ZBI